I then proceed to retrieve the cheesy diaper and decide to let that also rest in the white plastic. I than return to the playroom. I sit. I musn't trust my children alone again.
I had escaped for a few minutes to lay in my bed with a freezing cold ice pack. This awful headache won't loosen it's grip on the left side of my head. The right side is fine. It is telling me that I can go on. The left side is trying to tear me down and make my brain explode. So instead of retreat up to my room once again, I pop another excedrin and pray for it effects. No dice.
James will be home at midnight.
I lay there thinking about throwing up. Knowing I am not lucky enough to be successful. So I just lay there.
I wonder again, Is this the life I chose? Of course I didn't choose the migraine, or the husband working late, or the daughter who is obsessed with smearing butter all over my house, but I guess, yes, this is indeed the life I CHOSE. And actually, I also get to choose how I handle it.
I abruptly take Naomi upstairs and send her to bed with a sippy of milk and a very short story. Success.
I take the boys in my room and turn on an episode of Clone Wars and threaten their life if they make a peep. It was so successful, we actually just watched the next Clone Wars.
For some reason, I really, actually feel fine, now. I mean, not perfect. But tell me who in this world feels absolutely perfect? So yes, this is the life I chose. And now I choose to go upstairs, crawl right in the middle of my two sleeping boys, and wait for their dad to come home to move them into their own beds. And I choose this.
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